Projekt je sestavljen iz ločenih volumnov, ki združeno pripovedujejo zgodbo o vnaprej zastavljenem konceptu. Štiri točkovne enote puščajo prostor za premislek o tem, kako posegamo v prostor. Na prvi pogled preprosta in naključna umestitev štirih volumnov izdaja skrbno in premišljeno kompozicijo, ki ustvarja bogastvo pogledov, prehodov in zunanjih bivalnih ambientov.
The project consists of separate volumes that together tell the story of a preconceived concept. The four point units leave room for reflection on how we encroach on space. At first glance there is a simple and seemingly random placement of the four volumes, but a second look shows a careful and considered composition that creates a gorgeous set of views, passages and outdoor living ambiences.
Razmerja medsebojnih odnosov so dodelana, arhitekturno je projekt dosleden in premišljen. Umestitev in merilo zasnove kažeta tudi na zrelo navezavo na bližnji kompleks kmetije. Zasnova poleg horizontalnega gibanja skozi kompleks razmislek namenja tudi vertikalnemu. Štirje volumni imajo jasno določene funkcije, ki spominjajo na bolj arhaične oblike bivanja na podeželju, hkrati pa oblikujejo nov model bivanja, pri katerem je razlika med zunaj in znotraj manj pomembna. Hiša postaja splet notranjih in zunanjih prostorov. Takšen kompleks predstavlja privlačen model sodobnega življenja, ki ni nostalgična vrnitev v preteklost, ampak v prihodnost usmerjena reinvencija.
The relationships among the spatial relations are refined. Architecturally the project is consistent and thoughtful. The location and criterion of the design also indicate a mature connection to the nearby farm complex. The design is one of those that, in addition to horizontal movement through the complex, also gives consideration to vertical living. The four volumes have clearly defined functions, reminiscent of more archaic forms of living in the countryside, while at the same time creating a new model of living in which the difference between outside and inside is less important. The house thus becomes a web of indoor and outdoor spaces. Such a complex represents an attractive model of modern life, which is not a nostalgic return to the past, but a future-oriented reinvention.
Pomembna prednost projekta je, da omogoča participativno gradnjo, ki se lahko izvede fazno. Štirje volumni ponujajo možnost eksperimenta in variacij v tehnikah gradnje. Takšna hiša lahko postane model sodelovanja, preizkušanja in bivanja že v času gradnje.
An important advantage of the project is that it allows for participatory construction that can be carried out in phases. The four volumes offer the possibility of experimentation and variation in construction techniques. The house can thus become a model of cooperation, testing and living, even during construction.
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