Zasnova predstavlja neke vrste doživljajsko apoteozo materiala – zemlje, preračunano na posameznega obiskovalca. Ideja projekta je jasna, preprosta in v celoti dosledno izpeljana. Hiša je prostor meditacije sredi gozda, z izpraznjenim kontemplativnim središčem – atrijem. Programsko tako osmisli novo gradnjo poleg kmetije.
The design represents a kind of experiential apotheosis of the material, the earth, focused on an individual visitor. The idea of the project is clear, simple and consistently implemented. The house is a meditation space in the middle of the forest with an empty, contemplative centre – the atrium. The program thus makes sense for a new construction next to the farm.
Prisotna je odločna misel, da se v takšnem prostoru, s takšnim načinom gradnje, biva drugače kot v običajni hiši, in temu poudarku odločno sledi celoten koncept. Zbito zemljo uporabnik doživlja eksplicitno, v seriji ukrivljenih sten, ob skrbno premišljenem odmerjanju svetlobe in pogledov. Uporabnik se tu sreča z elementarnimi vprašanji – kaj so krivulja, ravnina, svetloba in pogled. Po drugi strani pa je kontemplativni značaj objekta v potencialnem nasprotju s kolektivno in bivalno sporočilnostjo natečaja.
There is a strong idea that in such a space, with such approach to building, one lives differently than in an ordinary house, and this emphasis is decisively followed in the whole concept. The user experiences the compacted earth explicitly in a series of curved walls, carefully thought-out light and views. Here the user encounters elementary questions – what are a curve, plane, light and view? On the other hand, the contemplative character of the building is in potential conflict with the collective and residential message of the competition.
Kot kritiko žirija izpostavlja, da je streha v razmerju s konstrukcijo iz zemlje dominantna, tehnično zahtevna in – razen za obiskovalca, ki vstopi v stavbo – premalo berljiva. Je gradnja iz zemlje predvsem priložnost za oblikovanje kontrasta običajnemu bivanju ali pa pomeni novo, boljšo in bolj trajnostno izpeljavo bivanja za vse?
The jury points out that the roof is dominant, technically challenging and, except for the visitor entering the building, insufficiently readable in relation to the rammed earth construction. Is a building with earth primarily an opportunity to create a contrast to ordinary living, or does it represent a new, better and more sustainable derivation of living for all?
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