Frans Meilholm Christiansen: Dve hiši z enim dimnikom

Projekt je sestavljen iz dveh dvokapnih volumnov. Povezuje ju dimnik, ki je tudi simbolno središče in povezava obeh volumnov; izraža arhaično umestitev ognjišča kot elementa, ki pomeni središče hiše. Konceptualno preigrava motive prehajanja med zunanjostjo in notranjostjo. Projekt nakazuje premišljen konstrukcijski in oblikovni sistem, ki kombinira lesene nosilce in uporabljeno zemljo. Žirija pa ugotavlja, da je osrednja vloga dimnika nedosledno izvedena oziroma zabrisana, zaradi česar je zasnova hiše kljub dobri ideji in odlični predstavitvi manj celostna in sveža, kot bi lahko bila.

The project consists of two gable-roof volumes. They are connected by a chimney, which is also the symbolic centre and link of the two volumes; it expresses the archaic placement of the fireplace as an element that represents the centre of the house. Conceptually, it entertains the motifs of the transition between the exterior and the interior. The project suggests a well-thought-out construction and design system that combines wooden beams and used earth. However, the jury finds that the central role of the chimney is inconsistently performed, which makes the design of the house, despite possessing a good idea and an excellent presentation, less rounded and innovative than it could be.

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