Competition Floating Pavilion: Recognition Award (1)

PIN Number | Številka PIN: bQx2SJ
Authors | Avtorja: Luftschloss Collective: Bojana Papić, Yann Junod

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Jury’s assessment

The pavilion has a circular floor plan. The space is defined by walls that create differently oriented semi-open spaces. The roof is made of inflatable canvas and is used during the events. It acts as an object of light and an attractive marker of space at once. The tectonic articulation of the building is also interesting: a wooden structure over which a light and ephemeral object “hovers”. The inflatable and removable roof gives the pavilion a changeable character, either an open platform with walls or a covered object, and allows it to move easily to different locations on the river.

The circular shape of the platform together with the walls suggests opening in different directions, but the fixed walls are problematic because they close the views of what is happening in the building from the embankment and at the same time restrict the views of the river too much.


Utemeljitev žirije

Paviljon je krožne tlorisne zasnove. Prostor opredeljujejo stene, ki ustvarjajo različno orientirane polodprte prostore. Streha je iz napihljivega platna in se jo uporablja ob dogodkih. Deluje kot svetlobno telo in hkrati tudi atraktiven označevalec prostora. Zanimiva je tudi tektonska artikulacija objekta: lesena konstrukcija, nad katero »lebdi« lahkoten in efemeren objekt. Napihljiva in snemljiva streha paviljonu daje spremenljiv karakter (odprta platforma s stenami ali nadkrit objekt) in mu omogoča preprosto premikanje na različne lokacije na reki.

Krožna oblika platforme skupaj s stenami sugerira odpiranje na različne smeri, vendar so fiksne stene problematične, ker zapirajo poglede na dogajanje v objektu z nabrežja in hkrati preveč omejujejo poglede na reko.

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