PIN Number | Številka PIN: ExZIKw
Authors | Avtorja: Soare: Dana Roxana Hosu, Victor Dussap
Jury’s assessment
The project offers a poetic reflection on the history of timber rafting and the contextualization. The pavilion consists of three architectural elements: the base, colonnade, and roof. The pillars are made of raw logs and thus relate to the timber rafting tradition along the Drava River, while on the other hand, they rely on a reflection on the origin of the architecture and Laugier’s Primitive Hut. Raw tree logs visually mark the functional boundaries of the pavilion, which thus does not need a fence. Concerns arise about the materiality of the pavilion: can this approach of raw simplicity produce added value or a spatial upgrade for the city? Nevertheless, the project is distinguished by its inspiring reflection and reinterpretation of nature.
Utemeljitev žirije
Projekt predstavlja poetičen razmislek o zgodovini splavarstva in umestitvi v kontekst. Paviljon je sestavljen iz treh arhitekturnih elementov: baze, stebrišča in strehe. Stebri so izdelani iz neobdelanih hlodov in se s tem navezujejo na splavarsko tradicijo tovorjenja hlodovine po reki Dravi, po drugi strani pa se s tem naslanjajo na razmislek o izvoru arhitekture in Laugierjevi prvinski koči. Surovi drevesni hlodi vizualno označijo meje uporabe paviljona, ki tako ne potrebuje ograje. Pomisleki se pojavijo ob materialnosti paviljona: ali lahko ta pristop surove preprostosti mestu prinaša dodano vrednost oziroma nadgradnjo prostora? Kljub temu projekt odlikuje navdihujoča refleksija in reinterpretacija narave.