Competition Floating Pavilion: Recognition Award (3)

PIN Number | Številka PIN: PouzhH
Author | Avtorica: 211S: Sasiwimon Paosanmuang

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Jury’s assessment

The pavilion consists of a grid of smaller, collapsible platforms. The system allows arbitrary joining and loading of platforms, thus creating a complex matrix with many possible permutations. In this fashion, the pavilion creates a variety of topographies according to the needs of the program: a flat surface for dance performances, a stairway for singing, and so on. All construction elements are wooden, and the roof is made of light canvas. The construction of the roof consists of thin wooden pillars at regular intervals, which is not an ideal solution in terms of staging performances and events, as it interferes with the performative space of the pavilion. However, due to a thoughtful upgrade of the basic function with platforms that can detach and become a mobile vessel, a recognition award was given to the project by the jury.


Utemeljitev žirije

Paviljon je sestavljen iz rastra manjših, sestavljivih platform. Sistem omogoča poljubno spajanje in nalaganje platform, s tem pa nastane kompleksna matrica s številnimi možnimi permutacijami. Paviljon tako ustvarja raznolike topografije glede na potrebe programa: ravna površina za plesne predstave, stopničasta za pevske in podobno. Vsi konstrukcijski elementi so leseni, streho pa tvorijo lahka platna. Konstrukcija strehe sestoji iz tankih lesenih stebrov v enakomernih razmakih, kar z vidika izvedbe predstav in dogodkov ni idealna rešitev, saj posega v performativni prostor paviljona. Zaradi premišljene nadgradnje osnovne funkcije s platformami, ki se lahko odcepijo in postanejo mobilno plovilo, je žirija projektu podelila priznanje.

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