PIN Number | Številka PIN: 7JVaoi
Authors | Avtorja: Roberto Zanini, Lara Brmbolić
Jury’s assessment
The proposal represents a discreet wooden pavilion intended for a variety of uses. It’s the most common typology among the proposals received: a simple pavilion with a semi-transparent roof on pillars. The proposal with the code 7JVaoi was deemed by the jury as the most successful among them. The roof is lightweight and creates soft diffused light. The curtain wraps the pavilion along the perimeter and allows for a variety of uses: from an intimate event on the inside, to projections on the outside. The jury assessed the lightness and simplicity of the building as its biggest advantages. But it is precisely from this approach that the jury’s concerns arose, as due to its simplicity the pavilion does not act as a marker in space. For its aesthetic excellence, however, the design is awarded 3rd prize.
Utemeljitev žirije
Predlog predstavlja diskreten lesen paviljon, namenjen raznoliki uporabi. Gre za najpogostejšo tipologijo med prejetimi predlogi: enostaven paviljon s poltransparentno streho na stebrih. Elaborat s šifro 7JVaoi je žirija ocenila kot najuspešnejšega med njimi. Streha je lahkotna in ustvarja mehko difuzno svetlobo. Zavesa zamejuje paviljon po obodu in omogoča različne načine uporabe: od intimnega, introvertiranega dogodka do projekcij na zunanji strani. Kot največjo prednost je žirija ocenila lahkotnost in enostavnost objekta. A prav iz tega pristopa izhajajo tudi pomisleki žirije, saj paviljon zaradi svoje preprostosti ne deluje kot označevalec v prostoru. Zasnova za svojo estetsko dovršenost prejme 3. nagrado.