Competition Floating Pavilion: Second Place

PIN Number | Številka PIN: 9HGUKk
Authors | AvtorjiWalter Alejandro Casola, Falvino Martín Ferreyra, Marcos Esequiel Toranzos Astorga

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Jury’s assessment

The runner-up envisages two ways of using the facility. On the one hand, it acts as a covered stage facing the embankment, and on the other as a gentle staircase that faces the river and at the same time forms the roof of the stage. The design also allows for reverse use: a covered space facing the river and a grandstand facing the embankment, which can thus become a stage or a venue. The object can be transparent, show its content and allow views from several sides, or it can be wrapped in order to direct the views in the chosen direction and to create the feeling of a “room” on the river. The walkway is also placed sensibly along the edge of the building in such a way that the users of the grandstand do not interfere with the action on stage. The pavilion is structurally simple, yet has a clear and recognizable architectural expression. Its disadvantage is that it exceeds a total height of 4 m above the water level, which means that its use would be possible only on the part of the Drava River by the Lent that is bounded by two footbridges.


Utemeljitev žirije

Drugouvrščeni projekt predvideva dva načina uporabe objekta. Z ene strani deluje kot pokrit oder, obrnjen proti nabrežju, z druge pa kot položno stopnišče, ki se obrača proti reki in hkrati tvori streho odra. Zasnova omogoča tudi obratno uporabo: nadkrit prostor, obrnjen proti reki, in tribuna, obrnjena proti nabrežju, ki tako lahko postane oder oz. prizorišče. Objekt je lahko transparenten, kaže svojo vsebino in omogoča poglede na več strani, lahko pa se ga zagrne ter s tem usmeri poglede v izbrano smer in ustvari občutek »sobe« na reki. Smiselno je postavljena tudi pasarela, in sicer ob rob objekta na način, da uporabniki tribune ne motijo dogajanja na odru. Paviljon je konstrukcijsko enostaven, kljub temu pa ima jasen in razpoznaven arhitekturni izraz. Njegova pomanjkljivost je v tem, da presega skupno višino 4 m nad vodno gladino, kar pomeni, da bi bila njegova uporaba mogoča le na delu Drave ob Lentu, ki ga omejujeta dve brvi.

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