Natečaj Plavajoči paviljon na Dravi: Vprašanja in odgovori (Q&A)

Spodaj objavljamo odgovore na vprašanja, ki smo jih v predvidenem roku prejeli v sklopu natečaja Plavajoči paviljon na Dravi.
Q&A for “Floating Pavilion on the Drava River” competition is published below for questions, received by the deadline set in the competition brief.


What is the maximum number of members for a group?
There is no limit on maximal members.

Katero je največje število članov skupine?
Število članov skupine ni omejeno.

Does the raft entry ramp have to be adapted for universal accessibility?
As far as possible, yes. It is desirable that the raft is also accessible to the disabled and wheelchairs, so the use of a ramp is suggested, but it is not necessary to follow the rules on the inclination of the ramps for access for the disabled etc.

Ali mora biti vstopna rampa na splav prilagojena za univerzalno dostopnost?
V kolikor je to možno, da. Zaželeno je, da je splav dostopen tudi za invalide in vozičke, zato se sugerira uporaba rampe oziroma klančine, vendar pa pri tem ni treba slediti pravilnikom o naklonih ramp za dostop invalidov ipd.

Can a proposal for the transformation of the bank and the shelter be included in the solution?
The bank will soon be extensively renovated as part of the renovation of the Lent embankment, so this is not the subject of a competition task. The proposal to reshape the bank is therefore undesirable. As part of the competition task, a solution for raft mooring can be proposed, but this must be minimal, as major interventions on the embankment are not desirable.

Ali se lahko v rešitev vključi predlog preoblikovanja brega in priveza?
Breg bo kmalu obširno prenovljen v sklopu prenove nabrežja Lenta, zato to ni predmet natečajne naloge. Predlog preoblikovanja brega je zato nezaželen. V sklopu natečajne naloge pa se lahko predlaga rešitev za privez splava, vendar pa mora ta biti minimalna, saj večji posegi na nabrežju niso zaželeni.

Is the pavilion intended for audiences to sit on it as well or just for small bands/performers during events? How are performances intended to be viewed — from the riverbank with only performances on stage? Outside of event time are people encouraged to stay on it, too? What events are envisaged to happen on it?
Performances are intended to be viewed from the riverbank. The pavilion will host small bands, wine tastings, small theatre shows and public debates. In other times, it will be used as public pavilion where people can sit/stand, observe the surrounding and have a good time. Thus, the pavilion requires a sitting area. It is recommended that the sitting area is placed on the perimeter to enable different activities to happen in the empty middle, though other design solutions are welcome as well if they enable different uses of the pavilion.

Should there be storage place on the pavilion for music equipment/furniture or can these be accessed/put back before and after events?
No, the pavilion should not have a storage space.

Is the roof to be completely solid for rain/weather protection, or can it be open, or designed in a way that provides shading but open to weather?
Because the pavilion will host performances, it is advised that the roof is waterproof. In this way, the activities on the pavilion are not depended on weather.

Does the pavilion need to be open on all sides (this ties back to the question regarding its functionality and if audiences will be on it or not)? Or can one or more sides be closed/screened, etc.?
This aspect of the pavilion is not specifically defined so you are free to suggest whatever design you deem most appropriate. The above-mentioned activities do not require any specific design of the sides.

Is the maximum 4 m in height considered a box shape as the maximum pavilion envelope (i.e., a 4×8 x 8 m box can float through below existing bridges)?
The required height means that the maximum point of the pavilion should not exceed 4 m. However, this does not mean that the pavilion should be box-shaped or any other specific shape.

How long can the detachable platform for access be: i.e., adjacent to the riverbank, or can it be going into the river as a long path that can float?
You are free to design the detachable platform however you want.

When is the pavilion intended to be used, during the day/night? And for how long?
The pavilion is intended to be used day and night — it will not be closed to public during any specific time of the day. When not used as performance stage, the public can use it as a contemplation area to observe the surroundings for as long as they want.

In most conditions when this pavilion is used as a stage, will the audience be on the riverbank or on the pavilion?
It depends on specificities of the performance and performer’s preferences. In most cases, the audience will probably sit on the riverbank but if the audience is smaller, it can sit on the pavilion as well if the performer wishes so. As written in the competition brief, the pavilion should enable different uses and quick adaptations which also means a possibility for different sitting configurations.

Is the red hidden line proposed for the Floating pavilion (see scheme below)?
No, the red line does not represent the pavilion. This are plans of a floating stage platform that already exists and is used in time of Festival Lent (open air performance festival in Maribor). It is constructed anew every single year solely for this purpose and deconstructed when the festival is over. It does not contain any information about size etc. relevant for the new pavilion. The plans are added merely to show its floating system that participants can use in their design if they want or do not know how to design their own floating system.

Does the blue continuous line represent the floating platform that already exists, so I don’t have to design it? Just to make sure that the pavilion can joint precisely with the platform (see scheme above).

You have to design the whole pavilion yourself, the platform as well. This are plans of a floating stage platform that already exists and is used in time of Festival Lent (open air performance festival in Maribor). It is constructed anew every single year solely for this purpose and deconstructed when the festival is over. It does not contain any information about size etc. relevant for the new pavilion. The plans are added merely to show its floating system that participants can use in their design if they want or do not know how to design their own floating system.

Can I combine wood with other materials such as tension fabric canopy?
You can, but the wood should be the leading material.

Can I change wood with bamboo? Or is wood the only material?
You can switch wood for bamboo, as this is still considered a wooden material, but consider that bamboo is not local material and is not available as construction material in Slovenia.

Can some structural elements of the pavilion go further than 8 x 8 m off the platform base or must they stay within the perimeter of 8 x 8 m?
Yes, if you prove that it does not affect water buoyancy.

“The overall height of the pavilion should not exceed 4 m.” Please refer from what level to measure the overall height (e.g., upwards from the floor level of the pavilion)?
It is measured from the water level.

Are we to put our proposal on the stage as seen in the details which you delivered us, or did you give these details for example?
It is an example. For the pavilion, the pontoon dimensions are 8 x 8 m.

Ali je tlorisna velikost splava 8 x 8 m, ali je lahko velikosti do 10 x 10 m?
Tlorisna velikost je 8 x 8 m.

Ali se višina paviljona (streha) šteje od nivoja vode, od vrha pontona ali od tlaka splava?
Od nivoja vode.

What are the maximal dimensions of floating raft? 8 x 8 m, as mentioned in competition brief, or 24,18 x 20,25 m, as in the drawing of floating raft that was given as documentation?
The dimension is 8 x 8 m. Given plan is only an example of ponton they use in Maribor for big stage on the river. It can be useful to see details of the pontoon.

What is the maximal height of project? In competition brief, the height mentioned is 4 metres, but from where, from water level (253,20 m from water level) or from level of the deck that was given in the section of floating raft (255,35 m from water level)?
From the water level.

Ali maksimalna širina in dolžina veljata tudi za paviljonski del splava ali lahko paviljonski del presega meje plavajoče konstrukcije?
Lahko presega, v kolikor dokažete, da ne vpliva na plovnost.

Ali morata biti splav in paviljonski del konstrukcijsko ločena ali lahko eno izhaja iz drugega? Mišljeno – ali govorimo o paviljonu, ki plava, ali o paviljonu na plavajoči konstrukciji.

Dovoljeni sta obe opciji. Lahko uporabite obstoječe plavajoče splave dimenzije 8 x 8 m in je paviljon postavljen na to podlago. Lahko pa zasnujete tudi plavajoči del, pri čemer je pogoj, da dokažete plovnost.

Je maksimalna višina omejena na 4 m, ali je lahko presežena v primeru montažne konstrukcije, ki se med premikanjem zniža?
Da, če je to enostavno izvedljivo.

Na kakšen način je zamišljeno dokazovanje plovnosti objekta, v kolikor konstrukcija ni standardna?
S statičnim izračunom, ki dokaže da plavajoči del zdrži težo splava in koristno obtežbo.

V prihodnosti je predvidena preureditev Lenta, zato nas zanima, ali naj se paviljon navezuje na predlagano rešitev ali na obstoječe stanje?
Na predlagano rešitev.

Ali je plavajoči splav mišljen tudi za transport ljudi v času premikanja?

Is it necessary to design only the pavilion to be placed on a floating raft or also the flotation system?
Both options are alloved:
As a model of a floating object, plans for a floating stage, used annually as the main stage of the Lent Festival, are attached to the competition brief. A construction floating system of a pontoon is presented, which can be used in this competition, but not necessarily. Candidates are given a free hand to design their own buoyant construction – in this case, they have to explain and prove, based on their description and plans, how the designed construction maintains buoyancy. The pavilion must be buoyant.”

From which point is the maximum height of 4 m to be measured? The water line or the flat surface of the floating platform?
From the water line.

When in use as a stage, will the pavilion be required to host an audience, or is the intention that the audience will be seated on the riverbank?
Performances are intended to be viewed from the riverbank. The pavilion will host small bands, wine tastings, small theatre shows and public debates. In other times, it will be used as public pavilion where people can sit/stand, observe the surrounding and have a good time. Thus, the pavilion requires a sitting area. It is recommended that the sitting area is placed on the perimeter to enable different activities to happen in the empty middle, though other design solutions are welcome as well if the enable different uses of the pavilion.

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