Outsiderjev natečaj Hiša iz zemlje je zaključen!
Outsider je natečaj razpisal v sodelovanju s Centrom za kreativnost pri Muzeju za arhitekturo in oblikovanje.
Strokovna žirija, ki jo sestavljajo Tina Gregorič, Maruša Zorec, Matevž Granda, Miloš Kosec in Rok Žnidaršič, je izmed 469 prispelih elaboratov, ki so ustrezali razpisnim pogojem in so bili poslani do roka, izbrala šest projektov, ki prejmejo prvo, drugo in tretjo nagrado ter tri posebna priznanja. Žirija je v vse projekte skrbno pregledala in naredila izbor petnajstih finalistov, nato pa na dveh srečanjih – 10. maja in 2. junija – izbrala nagrajena dela.
Vsem nagrajencem iskreno čestitamo!
The Outsider House of the Earth competition (in cooperation with the Center for Creativity, at the Museum of Architecture and Design) is finished! The expert jury, consisting of Tina Gregorič, Maruša Zorec, Matevž Granda, Miloš Kosec, Srđan Nađ and Rok Žnidaršič, selected six projects from the 469 entries tat met the submission conditions and were sent by the deadline, which have been awarded first, second and third prize and three honourable mentions. The jury carefully reviewed all the projects and first selected fifteen finalists, and then went through the process of selecting winning entries during two jury sittings – May 10 and June 2.
We sincerely congratulate all the winners!
Prva nagrada/1st prize: Andy Megard, Jill Ries
Druga nagrada/2nd prize: Constantino Da Pieve
Tretja nagrada/3rd prize: Gašper Fabijan
Posebna priznanja, navedena v naključnem vrstnem redu
Honourable mentions listed in random order:
Maximillian Nowotka, Maria Betina Rincón
Frans Meilholm Christiansen
Matteo Meschiari, Alessandro Fontanella
Projekt je del partnerske mreže Platforme Center za kreativnost. Projekt sofinancirata Evropska unija iz Evropskega sklada za regionalni razvoj in Republika Slovenija.
This project is a part of a partnership network Platform Center for Creativity co-financed by European Union from European Regional Development Fund and by Republic of Slovenia.