
OUTSIDER Magazine, on its 10th Anniversary,
Announces the European Architecture Award: OUTSIDER AWARD

Essay Theme: “To Be an Outsider”
(By Tadej Zupančič)

It was Michel de Montaigne, the man who invented the essay, who pithily observed: »It’s nothing but inconstancy.« He was writing about time but could have been writing about being an outsider too: yes, it can be difficult and uneasy to start with, but when you embrace its inconstancy, it’s (almost) like a superpower. Write about anything and everything; touch the stars; dissect happiness and melancholy; live in a self-built paradise; of faith and adhesiveness; navigate between cultures; be surprising and be true to yourself. Because, as Montaigne also pointed out: »We are born to seek out truth… the world is nothing but a school of learning.«


Essay Submission Guidelines

Write an essay on the theme “To Be an Outsider.”

  • Length: Maximum 10,000 characters (including spaces).
  • Language: English.
  • Submissions: Each author may submit one essay. Essays will be anonymized for the jury.
  • Format: Submit your essay in .doc format to [email protected].
  • Deadline: February 14, 2025.

Selectors may also propose works of their choice for the award.


Selected essays will be:

  • Published in the international edition of OUTSIDER Magazine (May 2025).
  • Honorarium: Authors of published essays will receive a fee of 200 EUR.
  • Winners will be invited to a two-week residency at ARCH LAB in Istria. The residency includes:
    • Lectures by jury members and guest professors.
    • Access to work studios.
    • Opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration.


Tadej Zupančič is a writer, translator, and photographer who has lived in London since 1991. For the first 14 years, he worked as a radio producer at the BBC World Service. He began writing for Outsider seven years ago. His well-received book London Estates, a photographic exploration of social housing in the British capital, was published by FUEL in 2024.

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