Third Prize: In Between

In Between
PIN Number | Številka PIN: l7zriA
Author | Avtor: Giacomo Caputo ([a]social-bureau)

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Project description (from the competition dossier):

“In Between” is a regular system of parallel linear elements that can be adapted to different distribution possibilities. The structure is based on the combination of only two elements: a vertical wooden frame panel, and a roof panel. The basic structural module will be obtained by connecting four roof elements to two vertical panels set out in parallel, with a spacing of 6 m. The basic cell will be completed by three types of infill panels (blind walls, windows, doors), which can be combined differently, according to distribution requirements. The stand-alone modules will be easily integrated inside this system. The architectural composition of the different layouts is based on one single rule: the staggering of each basic block in relation to the nearest one. This produces a regular grid, in which it is possible to create different spatial configurations.

The basic module can be combined to form different building types (multi-storey buildings, courtyard buildings, terraced buildings) depending on the characteristics of the site. For the competition, the project is composed of two stretched buildings in east-west direction. The reduction of north- and south-facing surfaces reduces the heat loss in winter and avoids overheating in summer. The largest surfaces are oriented towards the adjacent park, while the front exposed to noise from the main road is minimised.

Characteristic section scheme | Shema karakterističnega prereza


Jury’s report:

The proposal is conceptually clear and radical. The number of panels used is minimal: two load-bearing panels – one vertical (wall) and one horizontal (ceiling) – complemented by three non-load-bearing panels (wall, window, door) of a standard length of 1 m. With them, the authors create five different dwellings and community spaces and terraces.

The starting point of the proposed building is formed by three indented sets of transverse walls, between which residential typologies are formed on a square grid (6 x 6 m). This starting point offers a great deal of scope for easy assembly, but at the same time functional freedom and an architecturally varied result, thus combining the social and technical aspects of the competition brief.

The main drawback of the proposal is the poor functional design of the residential units in a relatively deep floor plan, as the cores with the kitchen are only indirectly and therefore insufficiently illuminated.

The authors mention, but do not show, the possibility of forming different spatial configurations. The jury considered that the chosen lamella typology does not sufficiently exploit the potential of architectural expressiveness.

The presentation is clear and attractive on all levels. A particular strength of the solution is the consideration of the building’s programmatic functioning, which includes, in addition to the residential units, so-called “hobby rooms” that could be rented by the residents via a special mobile app and used for different purposes (work, study, play). The idea is that such additional units can enliven the intermediate space and bring a new social dimension to the residents’ (co)living experience.

As the proposal is very original, conceptually clear and the idea is well executed, but the design has some shortcomings, the jury decided to award it third place.

Opis projekta (iz natečajnega elaborata):

In Between (Vmes) je regularen sistem vzporednih linearnih elementov, ki jih je mogoče prilagoditi različnim možnostim distribucije. Struktura temelji na kombinaciji le dveh elementov: vertikalnega lesenega okvirnega panela in strešnega panela. Osnovni strukturni modul dobimo s povezavo štirih strešnih elementov z dvema vzporedno nameščenima vertikalnima paneloma z razmikom 6 m. Osnovna celica je dopolnjena s tremi vrstami polnilnih panelov (slepe stene, okna, vrata), ki jih je mogoče različno kombinirati glede na zahteve pri razporeditvi. Samostojni moduli se zlahka vključujejo v sistem. Arhitekturna kompozicija različnih tlorisnih razporeditev temelji na enem samem pravilu: zamik vsakega osnovnega bloka glede na sosednjega. Tako nastane pravilna mreža, v kateri je mogoče ustvariti različne prostorske konfiguracije.

Osnovni modul je mogoče kombinirati v različne vrste stavb (večnadstropne, atrijske, terasaste stavbe), odvisno od značilnosti lokacije. Za potrebe natečaja je projekt sestavljen iz dveh vzdolžnih stavb v smeri vzhod–zahod. Zmanjšanje površin, obrnjenih proti severu in jugu, zmanjša toplotne izgube pozimi in prepreči pregrevanje poleti. Največje površine so usmerjene proti sosednjemu parku, medtem ko je izpostavljenost pročelja hrupu z glavne ceste čim manjša.

Utemeljitev žirije:

Predlog je konceptualno izčiščen in radikalen. Število uporabljenih panelov je minimalno: dva nosilna panela – en vertikalen (stena) in en horizontalen (strop) – dopolnjujejo trije nenosilni (stena, okno, vrata) standardne dolžine 1 m. Z njimi avtorji ustvarijo 5 različnih stanovanj in skupne prostore in terase.

Izhodišče predlaganega objekta predstavljajo trije zamaknjeni nizi prečnih sten, med katerimi se na kvadratnem rastru (6 x 6 m) oblikujejo stanovanjske tipologije. Tako izhodišče nudi veliko možnosti za enostavno sestavljanje, obenem pa funkcionalno svobodo in arhitekturno razgiban rezultat, s čimer združuje socialni in tehnični aspekt natečajne naloge.

Glavna hiba predloga je slabša funkcionalna zasnova stanovanjskih enot v razmeroma globokem tlorisu, saj so jedra s kuhinjo osvetljena le posredno in zato nezadostno.

Avtorji sicer omenjajo možnosti tvorjenja različnih prostorskih konfiguracij, a jih ne prikažejo. Izbrana lamelna tipologija po sodbi žirije ne izkoristi v zadostni meri potenciala arhitekturne izraznosti.

Predstavitev je jasna in privlačna na vseh ravneh. Posebna odlika rešitve je razmislek o programskem delovanju stavbe, ki poleg stanovanjskih enot vključuje tudi t. i. »hobby sobe«, ki bi si jih stanovalci lahko najeli preko posebne mobilne aplikacije in jih uporabili v različne namene (delo, študij, igra). Ideja je, da lahko tovrstne dodatne enote oživljajo vmesni prostor in vnašajo novo socialno dimenzijo v (so)bivanje stanovalcev.

Ker je predlog zelo izviren, konceptualno izčiščen in je ideja dobro izpeljana, ima pa zasnova določene pomanjkljivosti, se je žirija odločila, da mu podeli tretje mesto.

1st floor plan | Tloris 1. nadstropja


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