Easy to Build, Easy to Live | Enostavno graditi, enostavno živeti
PIN Number | Številka PIN: 2mtZdD
Author | Avtor: Filip Vunjak
Project description (from the competition dossier):
The design of spacious and bright dwellings is essential in housing construction, therefore the competition solution proposes a square-based floor plan, where the entrance room gives free access to other rooms, with no cramped, dark corridors and the resulting loss of square footage. All the apartments are arranged transversely and extend from one façade to the other. The side apartments even boast a three-sided orientation. The multi-sided orientation thus ensures the best ventilation, lighting and sun exposure. Shared spaces are also important for the quality of living, allowing communication between residents and fostering a spirit of coexistence. This is made possible in particular by the common areas, arranged along the staircases and connected to the outdoor terraces, which allow for use in all seasons of the year.
Jury’s report:
The square grid of 3.8 x 3.8 m allows the authors to create a floor plan without corridors. The authors have created five different types of dwellings with seven wall panels, two ceiling panels and a prefabricated sanitary block. All apartments have (at least) double-sided lighting. The perimeter of the building is formed by a continuous balcony, which is shaded by awnings. There are common spaces along the vertical communications, which allow for different uses.
The chosen architectural typology is a linear block, which allows for the transverse insertion of bilaterally illuminated, functionally thought-out residential units. Several of the intermediate modules are left for common spaces, which are too ill-defined, even though they indicate a desire to go beyond the bare mathematics of housing design with a view to creating a community.
The proposal includes all the required parts and effectively demonstrates the clarity of the design; the only thing the jury found missing was an overall presentation of the exterior of the building.
As the proposal responds to the competition brief in a simple, clear and readable way and adds original reflections on the sustainable aspects of housing, the jury awarded it the second prize.
Opis projekta (iz natečajnega elaborata):
Pri stanovanjski gradnji je bistvenega pomena zasnova prostornih in svetlih stanovanj, zato natečajna rešitev predlaga kvadratasto zasnovo tlorisa, kjer se skozi vhodno sobano prosto vstopa v nadaljnje prostore; brez utesnjenih, temnih hodnikov in posledično izgubljene kvadrature. Vsa stanovanja so postavljena prečno in sežejo od ene fasade do druge. Stranska stanovanja se ponašajo celo s tristransko orientacijo. Večstranska orientacija tako zagotavlja najboljše prezračevanje, osvetlitev in osončenost. Za kvaliteto bivanja so prav tako pomembni skupni prostori, ki omogočajo komunikacijo med stanovalci in krepijo duh sobivanja. To omogočajo predvsem skupni prostori, razporejeni ob stopniščih in povezani z zunanjimi terasami, ki omogočajo rabo v vseh letnih časih.
Utemeljitev žirije:
Kvadratna mreža dimenzij 3,8 x 3,8 m avtorjem omogoči izpeljavo tlorisa brez hodnikov. Avtorji so s sedmimi stenskimi paneli, dvema stropnima paneloma in prefabriciranim sanitarnim blokom ustvarili 5 različnih tipov stanovanj. Vsa stanovanja imajo (vsaj) dvostransko osvetlitev. Obod stavbe tvori kontinuiran balkon, ki je senčen s platnenimi senčili. Ob vertikalnih komunikacijah so skupni prostori, ki omogočajo različne rabe.
Izbrana arhitekturna tipologija je lamelasti blok, ki omogoča prečno vstavljanje dvostransko osvetljenih, funkcionalno premišljenih stanovanjskih enot. Več vmesnih modulov so avtorji namenili preveč ohlapno opredeljenim skupnim prostorom, ki sicer kažejo na željo po preseganju golega reševanja matematične enačbe stanovanjske problematike z vzpostavljanjem skupnosti.
Elaborat obsega vse zahtevane dele in učinkovito prikaže jasnost zasnove, žirija je pogrešala le celostni prikaz zunanjosti objekta.
Ker predlog na enostaven, jasen in berljiv način odgovarja izhodiščem natečajne naloge in dodaja izvirne razmisleke o trajnostnih vidikih stanovanjske gradnje, mu je žirija dodelila drugo nagrado.
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