PIN Number | Številka PIN: 0DJhIo
Authors | Avtorji: Mirko Milanović (MIRMIL)
Quote from the proposal:
The strategy of the project is how to create an open and mixed community, to provide space for meetings. The central core of the building is actually a microcity within the building, i.e. a green atrium that represents the lungs of the building. Residents share things with each other, such as collective spaces – corridors and terraces on all levels.
Jury’s report:
This is one in a series of solutions that are characterised by quality execution at all levels, but fail to demonstrate innovative excellence in functional, technological or expressive terms.
The authors chose the raster of a skeletal frame as the basis. Thirteen modular panels are used, including a column and beam and a roof panel, and the design also provides for six additional standard space modules. The floor plans are functional and the chosen typology with an open communication core allows for high quality living conditions. The design of the internal circulation is based on the concept of a tree with a trunk and leaves, creating interesting common spaces. The presentation of the solution is compelling.
Citat iz elaborata:
Strategija projekta je ustvariti odprto in mešano skupnost ter zagotoviti prostor za srečanja. Osrednje jedro stavbe je pravzaprav majhno mesto znotraj objekta oz. zeleni atrij, ki predstavlja pljuča stavbe. Prebivalci si med seboj delijo skupne prostore: hodnike in terase v vseh etažah.
Utemeljitev žirije:
Gre za eno v vrsti rešitev, ki jih odlikuje kakovostna izpeljava na vseh ravneh, ne uspejo pa prikazati inovativnega presežka v funkcionalnem, tehnološkem ali izraznem smislu.
Avtorji so za osnovo izbrali raster skeletne konstrukcije. Uporabljenih je 13 modularnih panelov, ki vključujejo tudi steber in preklado ter strešni panel, poleg tega pa zasnova predvidi še 6 dodatnih standardnih prostorskih modulov. Tlorisi so funkcionalni, izbrana tipologija z odprtim komunikacijskim jedrom omogoča kakovostne bivalne pogoje. V zasnovi notranjih komunikacij so se oprli na alegorijo drevesa z deblom in listi, pri čemer nastanejo zanimivi skupni prostori. Predstavitev rešitve je prepričljiva.
PIN Number | Številka PIN: sQZiqe – Circular Box
Authors | Avtorji: Manuel Lopes, Arnaud Baas, Mahboobeh Moshtari Bavil, Alma Lövgren, Emma Magnusson (DREEM Arkitekter)
Quote from the proposal:
This project aims to optimise every resource to minimise waste. Leftover material from the process of using CLT is reused at different stages of the building process.
Jury’s report:
The solution is one of the few that presents the possibilities of developing different building typologies. It comprises 12 panels (three external walls, three internal load-bearing and two non-load-bearing walls, two load-bearing and two non-load-bearing ceiling panels) and three space modules (two sanitary and one for vertical communication).
In addition to the good flexibility of the floor plan, it is characterised by the well-executed introduction of the double-height space. A particular quality is the consideration of the economic use of materials without waste. The presentation is of high quality and detailed, but the solution remains somewhat conservative in terms of architectural expression.
Citat iz elaborata:
Cilj projekta je optimizirati vire, da bi čim bolj zmanjšali količino odpadkov. Ostanki materiala, ki nastanejo pri uporabi CLT, se ponovno uporabijo v različnih fazah gradbenega procesa.
Utemeljitev žirije:
Rešitev je ena redkih, ki predstavi možnosti razvoja različnih stavbnih tipologij. Obsega 12 panelov (trije zunanji zidovi, trije notranji nosilni in dva nenosilna zidova, dva nosilna in dva nenosilna stropna panela) in 3 prostorske module (dva sanitarna in en za vertikalne komunikacije).
Poleg dobre prilagodljivosti tlorisa jo odlikuje tudi kakovostna vpeljava dvovišinskega prostora, posebna kvaliteta pa je razmislek o ekonomični rabi materiala brez odpadkov. Predstavitev je kakovostna in podrobna, na ravni arhitekturne izraznosti pa rešitev ostaja nekoliko konservativna.
PIN Number | Številka PIN: kaKTvM
Authors | Avtorji: Tristan Černe, Domen Ahac Pogačnik, Tina Čuješ, Miha Colja, Tilen Breznik, Oskar Divjak
Quote from the proposal:
The prefabricated external wall panels are a combination of a load-bearing CLT core and timber I-profiles with wood fibre insulation in between. The timber I-profiles allow the façade system to be attached independently of the base structure. The façade system can therefore be customised during the prefabrication phase according to the project location, climatic requirements and occupants’ preferences.
Jury’s report:
A detailed proposal that meets all the requirements of the competition. As with several other prize-winning solutions, a combination of frame and panel construction is used. A total of 11 panels is used (five external walls, a corner panel, two internal walls and three floor panels).
The solution presents, among other things, different applications of the system in typologies with one- and two-sided orientations, and, as a special feature, the possibility of adapting the unit to the needs of a user with reduced mobility. A weak point is the development and presentation of the chosen architectural typology, which does not convincingly address external communications.
Citat iz elaborata:
Zasnovani prefabricirani zunanji stenski paneli so kombinacija nosilne CLT sredice ter lesenih I-profilov, med katerimi se nahaja izolacija iz lesenih vlaken. Leseni I-profili omogočajo pritrditev fasadnega sistema, ki je neodvisen od osnovne konstrukcije. Fasadni sistem je tako lahko v fazi prefabrikacije prilagojen glede na lokacijo projekta, klimatske zahteve in želje uporabnikov.
Utemeljitev žirije:
Podrobno obdelan elaborat, ki odgovarja na vse zahteve natečaja. Kot pri nekaj drugih nagrajenih rešitvah je tudi tu uporabljena kombinacija skeletne in panelne gradnje, število uporabljenih panelov je 11 (5 zunanjih panelov, kotni panel, 2 notranja panela in 3 medetažne plošče).
Med drugim rešitev predstavi različne aplikacije sistema v tipologijah z enostransko in dvostransko orientacijo ter kot posebno kvaliteto tudi možnost prilagoditve enote gibalno oviranemu uporabniku. Šibkejši je razvoj in prikaz izbrane arhitekturne tipologije, ki neprepričljivo rešuje zunanje komunikacije.
PIN Number | Številka PIN: GM2VDR – Jenga
Authors | Avtorji: Alexander Smaga (Alexander Smaga Architects)
Quote from the proposal:
The design concept is based on the game called Jenga, derived from the Swahili word Kujenga meaning “to build”. The final piece of the assembly line consists of three types of loggias made from timber panels which are stuck together like a bookshelf and put onto a long cantilevered concrete slab to hover above the ground.
Jury’s report:
This is a solution with a spatially simple system of modular construction that is hidden behind a façade “mask”. Unfortunately, the simplicity is not reflected in the number of elements used, as the proposal includes as many as 19 different panels. The interior space solution is of a high quality, with adequate lighting of the rooms. However, the jury recognised the potential for different designs of the façade panels in any eventual applications of the system.
Citat iz elaborata:
Koncept zasnove temelji na igri dženga, ki izhaja iz svahilijske besede kudženga, ki pomeni »graditi«. Zadnji del montažne linije sestavljajo trije tipi lož iz lesenih panelov, ki se sestavijo kot knjižna polica ter postavijo na dolgo konzolno betonsko ploščo in tako dvignejo nad tla.
Utemeljitev žirije:
Gre za rešitev s prostorsko enostavnim sistemom modularne gradnje, na zunaj skritim za fasadno »masko«. Enostavnost se žal ne izraža tudi v številu uporabljenih elementov, saj predlog predvideva kar 19 različnih panelov. Rešitev notranjega prostora je kakovostna, s primerno osvetlitvijo prostorov. Žirija je prepoznala potencial raznolikih oblikovnih zasnov fasadnih panelov v eventualnih aplikacijah sistema.
PIN Number | Številka PIN: tHAzDW
Authors | Avtorji: Duy Tan Tran, Thai Son Au
Quote from the proposal:
The project’s aim is to encourage sharing between people in the same building. By introducing a jagged, sloped façade that faces toward the park, the building transform balconies into semi-public areas that offer dwellers with more opportunities to socialise with others in the building. They can see each other, chat or even sing together.
Jury’s report:
At first sight, this is one of the most visually attractive proposals, with an excellent level of presentation. 11 panels (including the column) and an additional element of shading are used. Unfortunately, the solution suffers from several problems of the chosen terraced typology, primarily the illumination of the deep floor plans. The jury also questioned the flexibility of the architectural design, which relies on the expressive motif of the ‘jagged’ terraces, but does not allow for a wide variety of spatial applications. Nevertheless, this is one of the most original proposals.
Citat iz elaborata:
Cilj projekta je spodbuditi izmenjavo med ljudmi v isti stavbi. Z uvedbo nazobčane, terasaste fasade, obrnjene proti parku, stavba spremeni balkone v poljavne prostore, ki stanovalcem ponujajo več možnosti za druženje z drugimi v stavbi. Omogoča jim poglede, klepet – ali celo skupno petje.
Utemeljitev žirije:
Na prvi pogled eden vizualno privlačnejših predlogov z odlično ravnjo prezentacije. Uporabljenih je 11 panelov (vključno s stebrom) in dodatni element senčila. Rešitev žal pesti več problemov izbrane terasaste tipologije, v prvi vrsti osvetlitev globokih tlorisov. Žirija je pod vprašaj postavila tudi fleksibilnost arhitekturnega oblikovanja, ki stavi na ekspresivni motiv »nazobčanih« teras, a ne omogoča veliko različnih prostorskih aplikacij. Sicer oblikovno eden izvirnejših predlogov.
PIN Number | Številka PIN: 4XYTDI – 9 to ∞ | 9 do ∞
Authors | Avtorji: Tjaša Mohar Plavec, Urška Uršič, Andraž Lovšin, Bojan Kujundžić (AAB Arhitektura d.o.o.)
Quote from the proposal:
Modern lifestyles are geared towards efficiency and personalisation, which from a sociological point of view often leads to individualisation and isolation. The aim of the competition is to introduce a housing complex that activates the community and offers favourable conditions for meeting and socialising. Vertical gardens, viewing bays and the organisation of the main circulation routes provide architectural and social diversity to the main programme without affecting the economy and efficiency of the construction.
Jury’s report:
A beautifully produced and sensibly resolved work with a classical treatment of the courtyard typology. The proposal well integrates the modular system with the timber architecture. As the name of the proposal suggests, nine panels are used. The authors also included a reflection on the possible use of scrap product from the cutting process, which the jury recognised as an added value of the proposal. The stacking of the units is cleverly solved using the “Tetris” principle. Another particular quality of the proposal is the demonstration of the possibility of the growth of the complex over time.
Citat iz elaborata:
Sodoben način življenja je usmerjen k učinkovitosti in personalizaciji, kar s sociološkega vidika nemalokrat vodi do individualizacije/izolacije. Namen natečajne naloge je vpeljati stanovanjski kompleks, ki skupnost aktivira in ponudi ugodne pogoje za srečevanje in druženje. Vertikalni vrtovi, razgledni zalivi in organizacija glavnih komunikacij glavnemu programu zagotavljajo arhitekturno in družbeno pestrost brez vpliva na ekonomičnost in efektivnost gradnje.
Utemeljitev žirije:
Lepo obdelan in smiselno rešen elaborat s klasično obravnavo tipologije kareja. Predlog dobro povezuje modularni sistem z leseno arhitekturo. Kot pove že ime predloga, je uporabljenih 9 panelov; avtorji so vključili tudi razmislek o možni uporabi ostankov pri razrezu, kar je žirija prepoznala kot dodano vrednost predloga. Spretno je rešeno zlaganje enot po principu »tetrisa«. Posebna kvaliteta predloga je tudi prikaz možnosti rasti kompleksa skozi čas.
PIN Number | Številka PIN: 8Dowc3
Authors | Avtorji: Jani Toçi
Quote from the proposal:
The most suitable module that accommodates the optimal requirements for housing functions with functional spaces within the standards is the module with the dimensions 3.5 x 3.5 x 2.95 m. The concept of this project is based on this basic module with which we can form different compositions with which we then form more complex residential objects. The apartments can be added according to the needs of the residents, ensuring the sustainability of the residential centre as an urban metabolism.
Jury’s report:
This was one of the more comprehensively worked solutions, incorporating several good ideas. As with several other prize-winning proposals, the square grid is the basis of a well-executed modular solution. Thirteen different panels are used (four wall, six façade, one column and two ceiling panels), with the addition of a balcony module and two roof modules. The floor plans are well thought out and well resolved, allowing freedom of composition. Less innovative is the otherwise rational design of the façade, which remains within the framework of the raster grid.
Citat iz elaborata:
Najprimernejši modul, ki izpolnjuje optimalne funkcionalne zahteve za stanovanja, je modul z dimenzijami 3,5 x 3,5 x 2,95 m. Koncept projekta temelji na tem osnovnem modulu, s katerim lahko oblikujemo različne kompozicije, s temi pa nato kompleksnejše stanovanjske objekte. Stanovanja je mogoče dodajati glede na potrebe stanovalcev, kar zagotavlja trajnostnost stanovanjske soseske kot urbanega metabolizma.
Utemeljitev žirije:
Ena bolj celovito obdelanih rešitev, ki vključuje več dobrih zamisli. Kot pri nekaj drugih nagrajenih predlogih je tudi tu osnova kakovostno izpeljane modularne rešitve kvadratna mreža. Uporabljenih je 13 različnih panelov (štirje stenski, šest fasadnih, dva stropna in en stebrni), posebej so predstavljeni še balkonski modul in strešna modula. Tlorisi so premišljeni in dobro rešeni in dopuščajo svobodo kompozicije, manj inovativno pa je sicer racionalno oblikovanje fasade, ki ostaja v okvirih rastrske mreže.
A competition by | Organizatorja natečaja: